

Fun is something which is really hard to define generally. Different people would define fun in different ways. If you’d ask my dad, or a few other people who I know, how they would like to have fun, they would say, I’d like to stay at home with a lot of new books. If you ask me, that’s something I’d definitely not say.

I love reading books, I consider them fun. But that’s not how I’d define fun. To put it very simply, fun is when I don’t feel like checking my phone. Fun is when I go back home, lay down and my entire body is tired. Fun is when I’ve made memories. Fun is when I’ve made people laugh.

If you’ve seen the Spider-Man movie, the one with Tobey Maguire, you’d recall this dialogue, “With power comes responsibility”. Peter Parker’s dad had taught him this. It’s one of my favorite dialogues. Fun works in a similar way. One must have fun responsibly.

It’s really healthy to have fun and guess what? Have you heard the saying “Too much of anything isn’t good”? I don’t think that works here. You can have fun with anything, as long as you can make your mind to like it and enjoy it. This one friend of mine loves this topic in physics called “Kinematics”. Sounds so weird right? Fun and studies just don’t go with each other but that’s how it is! Once we decided to group study. A

Once we decided to group study. A couple of us gathered and studied Kinematics and she taught us. While studying with her, all of us enjoyed. We were all competing against each other. Our minds were racing. It was as if we had to finish the problem before anyone else or else we’d lose a huge bet.

If you’re not having fun in doing something, it takes you twice the amount of time (or more) to do it. The best way to do anything is to do it while having fun. It makes the burden feel like nothing and it helps you learn so much. Another friend of mine reads Wikipedia pages in his free time. You should see the amount of knowledge he has. I actually haven’t met a person as smart and understanding as him and I don’t think I will. You’d think a guy like this probably spends his day chewing books but he’s quite the opposite. He’s done crazy things and is also one of the most outgoing people in my entire friend’s circle. See how having fun changes things?

I have a bunch of weird and crazy friends, no? To be really frank, they wouldn’t be my friend if they weren’t weird and crazy. I have fun being around such people and I love having fun. Thanks for being there guys :’)

Let me know how you define fun in the comments! 😀

Hope you enjoyed reading, have a great day! 🙂


PIC SOURCE : Google Images


18 thoughts on “Fun

  1. You’re definitely right about this all. Fun seems such a simple thing but people have to make it complicated. Either overdoing it or dismissing it. To be effective at something you have to enjoy it actually, that’s true. Thanks for the great post, my friend! PS: check your 3rd and 4th paragraphs you’ve put a part of a sentence twice in there.

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